31 March 2007
Maile (My-lee) is Precious, Sweet, Adorable & AWAKE now at 3:33 AM - CST
Within our first 36 hours of being HOME, we've seen the MANY FACES of Maile come out...and some in ANIMAL FORM too from laughing hyeenia (sp?) to whaling buffalo (is there such a thing?) to koala bear hugging on Mommy (my FAVORITE!) Right now, she is a Shih Tzu: adorable & WIDE EYES, flapping her lips making weird sounds as I sit in my bed in the dark typing on my make-shift desk with blankets & pillow piled for a desk! The JET LAG is in full gear as Don is working for EDS downstairs & I have my side kick smiling at me with these BIG EYES & teeth realizing she should be ASLEEP & doesn't want to go to bed!! It's THE LOOK of if I smile and look cute, she won't get mad at me and put me in that awful cage they call a 'crib' in bubble gum PINK bedroom!!!!
I KNEW the FIRST night of her crashing from the whirlwhin travels & sleeping from MIDNIGHT to 10:15AM was too good to be true! She did GREAT the FIRST night, we'd go in almost every 15 mins. from 6am on to make sure she was OK, breathing, not suffocating, etc...it was so light out when she woke up to find us standing there in awe of her, she was not scared but only wanted me to get her out of the crib to start her day! She is a SLOW waker up...or doesn't want "Ba" to get her out of the crib...she would open ONE eye, see him and then shut them again really quickly (& pretend to be asleep.) It was halarious and she did that back in our "VIETNAM HOTEL days" too!!!! Now just hours ago (2nd night)...I was dreaming and thought I heard these strange loud sound effect groans 'unggghh...ungghh.....ungghh!!!" As I approached a state of consciousness, I realized the groans were Maile in her crib! She was not crying, yelling or screaming...just GROANING louder and louder like she does when she is awake and watches me walk away from the couch or bed and doesn't want me to leave her behind! So, we cuddled in my bed & she rested but as I tried to return her back to her crib, she was adiment about telling me she DISAPPROVED of that suggestion...so here we sit, watching the minute hand tick, tick, tick...and hearing her sweet songs & having to tell her "shhhhh, your brothers are sleeping next door" and she GRINS real big & then proceeds to giggle, sing & talk some more!!!! I NEVER want forget this time of the SWEETNESS of this LANGUAGE barrier challenge & her exploration of everything being soooo amazing and entertaining for her!!!!
Some of the BEST **Maile Moments** have been since we been home!!!! She REALLY has warmed UP to "Ba" :) and ONLY really needs/ clings to me when she is tired, hungry, mad, scared or sad...so when she is RESTED, HAPPY & FED...she loves Don to pick her up and RUN her up & down the stairs (usually chasing the boys or them after her)!!! Her down-to-the belly laugh like a "LAUGHING HYEENIA" is down right halarious and we laugh & become exhausted just watching!!!!! Then we've seen this littl' life turn into a "WHALING BUFFALO" when she is MAD or does NOT want something...whether it be her big brothers picking on her, trying to put her down in front of strangers or me leaving when she wants me RIGHT next to her or put in her crib and she's AWAKE (they don't go together right now at all!!!) The best & my favorite is when Maile is a "KOALA BEAR" and we snuggle...she is starting to doze off but NOT quite asleep. She wraps her arm around my arms insisting I stay put...she will OPEN her eyes & close them to make sure I have not left or tried to "fake her out" with BODY PILLOWS...that didn't work! It's the sweetest thing in the world & have treasured everytime she has done that from even the EARLY days of us together in VIETNAM. I really CANNOT believe she has bonded and attached to me soooooo naturally & quickly. From the moment I held her the FIRST time on the orphanage foyer with the wind blowing briskly through our hairs, she held on for the roller coaster ride of her life & never looked back!!!
Some more **Maile Moments** from our FIRST FULL day home include her continuing to pull & play on her ears when she is NERVOUS (esp. when meeting new people or strange situations.) Her littl' left ear is curled in the cutest way because THAT was her comfort in SURVIVING the last 27 mos. of her turbulent life!!! We initially wondered if she had a hearing problem upon referral last OCT. because we noticed it was curled in a bit & wondered if that stifled her hearing...they reassured us she could see/ hear just fine. THAT IS the case, and now we see her littl' dainty fingers play with her left ear--it's all starting to make sense now! Adopting a "older" child is like a UNSOLVED MYSTERY of whodunit...what happened in her life & who did WHAT to make her the way she is TODAY!!!??? We will NEVER know the answers to some of these ??? but we just try to pick up where she was left off and reassure she is FOREVER HOME with her FOREVER FAMILY as we build trust, stability and love!!!
**Maile was SOOOOO CUTE yesterday entertaining herself as well as us with the DIAPER RASH OINTMENT!!!! She would put in on like LOTION on her belly!!! Maile opened the box, got the 'lotion' out of the box, put the box down beside her...then WITHOUT OPENING the 'lotion' she would put some in her hand. Then instinctively she put the 'lotion' BACK in the box and put the box down beside her. The cutest thing is after all that she would LIFT HER SHIRT and rub her BELLY as she put on this imaginery 'lotion.' She did this over and over again, entertaining herself & us as welll for over 1/2 hr!! I got it on video...it was sooooo precious.
**She is SOOOO motherly to me as well as she grabs my cheeks out of the blue to KISS ME or rub my cheeks. Better yet, she has shared her 1/2 eaten cheerios that took her 4 bites already with slobber on her fingers and then offer ME some of her cheerio!!!!!
**One more Maile Moment before I sign off...When Daddy "raises his voice" to correct her or help her...she is DEVASTATED and HURT...and boy that pouty littl' lip comes out and quivers...she cannot even LOOK Don in the eye and the world is ready to crumble over her hurt feelings!!!! It's the most precious thing, OF COURSE it totally pulls on MY heart strings!!! She knows how to work it!!!!!! Now with 2 girls in the house & Grandma...we have EVEN UP the GIRL POWER :)---(and DRAMA in our household!!!)
Well, time to get this littl' nut down for a AM NAP before the sun rises & the boys get up...it's going to be a LONG day, but wouldn't trade it for the world because NOW we have MAILE FOREVER!!!! It's still VERY SURREAL to me, I cannot believe it...I still wonder if someone is going to pound on the door like the Gastapo (in the Dairy of Anne Frank) & take her away from us!!!!! We ordered her SSN# in her VN name & will change it later to her American name when the adoption is finalized on the US side, but at least it's ONE littl' step to getting her to be an AMERICAN Citizen!!! I welcome & look forward of celebrating her VIETNAMESE culture too!!!
Maile is calling for me since Daddy has tried to put her back down...I hear "Ma Ma Ma...." gotta go!!!!
29 March 2007
We are FINALLY HOME and now on my second wind...trying to enjoy the FAST INTERNET :) and being able to shower in my own house, pick out a plethera of CLEAN clothes, eat whatever suits my fancy in my pantry, hang out with my babies & just seeing my family again.
Our flight was rather bumpy at times, turbulance was on and off...but we land SAFE & sound in DFW around 10:30AM. I was so excited as Maile & I were washed up, changed into our "coming home outfits" and ready to race off the place to see our awaiting family/ friends. Well, as it turned out...we went through Immigration fairly smoothly, through one line, one room & got all stamped & OKed to get baggage. That seem to take forever, finding 5 bags but manage to finally gather them up. When ready to EXIT and the lady asks why we were in VIETNAM, we said to adopt our daughter...ANY FRUITS or MEATS that you bring back with you?? Don blurts out, I took ONE TANGERINE from the airplane!!!! THAT WAS IT....we were ushered to ANOTHER ROOM in customs where there were at least 20 PEOPLE IN LINE for another baggage check!!!! I was about to SCREAM.... I COULD SEE THE EXIT doors where our family was on the OTHER SIDE & we had to DETOUR because of Don's ONE TANGERINE...he will NEVER live that down nor probably ever eat another one for the rest of his life.... I was beyond LIVID...I could NOT believe we had to go through security for them to find the ONE TANGERINE in the PINK diaper bag, take it and then be on our way.....The baggage claim guys helping out sure had a LAUGH watching us wait in line for that!!!!! We WERE the running joke for them, someday I MAY laugh about it...but I certainly wasn't THEN!!!!
We FINALLY got through security in CUSTOMS which would have been AVOIDED if Don had EATEN the tangerine or NOT taken it with him...I was so irritated I could NOT cry or feel "emotions" of greeting our family. It was NOT a heartfelt, emotional reunion like I anticipated it being and I'm SOOO SORRY for my family & friends who waited so long to see our exit those doors!!!! It was ALL Don's fault and he knew it! But, I hope seeing Maile for the FIRST time made the wait worth while....Grandma Lizzy (my mom), the boys, Mama Karen, Aunt Michelle & Uncle Ken were there & Ms. Mandy with ANNA and her grandma, Karen greeted us joyfully and with open arms and kisses!!!! I was hot, sweaty (probably smelly) and sooooo relieved to be DONE with ALL the lines & waiting!!! The boys looked older, taller and more handsome since leaving them 19 days ago...they were soooo excited to see Maile (who has known her name for the most part as Thuy Trang almost the whole trip.) BUT, with showing constant photos of our closest family/ friends...she did amazingly well and did NOT cry until I tried to put her down. She was a wide-eyed as I anticipated her being, quiet, shy & taking it all in. Anna (who just came home with Mandy & Arnaud last Nov. and 2 yrs. old) was soooo sweet, precious & gregarious...offering string cheese & cheerios to Maile...she would NOT take anything Joseph, Samuel or Anna. We had a "production line" of cheerios to start...Joseph would put in my hand, then Maile would take it out of my hand and take about 5 bites to ONE cheerio. It was sweet to see everyone love on her & welcome her...Again, EVERYONE had seen, known & prayed for her for months, while she had NO CLUE what this "tomorrow would bring..." LANDING INTO AMERICA!!!!!
Maile did NOT take long to warm up, we had a FUN day of smiling for the first time at the AIRPORT (toward the end of our visit), singing in Vietnamese on the way home & :-) (smiling) at the family at lunch!!! **Maile Moments: She will put her HAND out to someone, in hopes they kiss her HAND and then she smiles and giggles. After lunch, the Solomons went to see Maile's (still unfinished) bedroom...as we were hanging out, she put her hand out to Aunt Michelle....and knowing what to do, kissed and kissed Maile's hand/ arm...she laughed & giggled "all over herself" (as Heather would say). It was such a precious moment!!!! She would SMILE heartedly at Uncle Ken & Grandmom Karen (Michelle's bro' & Mom). It's as if she KNEW they were so kind & loving & been praying for her arrival!!!!! She was still shy with the boys, esp. they were so excited, rambuncious & loud...she GRUNTS for NO - when the boys get too close like she did with Ba those first weeks of saying "Don't even think about touching me or picking me up!!" After the Solomons left, we tried to settle in for a nap...Joseph is sooooooo sweet, such a GREAT big brother, so kind & loving & gentle with her....eager to feed her, hold her & help run and get something. Well, the books the brothers bought her were a BIG hit...she EVEN raised her arms to have GRANDMA LIZZY pick her up to read the books!!!! It totally made my mom's day!!!!Then after Maile & I snuggled and crashed for a 2+ hrs. nap, she raised her arms AGAIN to GRANDMA LIZZY & SMILED at her...oh my gosh, my mom was IN HEAVEN!!!!! We both could NOT believe how well she had taken to my mom since she is a "big white woman" (what Joseph told my mom!!!- LOL!!!) It was a FUN evening & are in awe of listening to her littl' voice, laughter & commands to tell Daddy to carry her up AND downs the stairs (over & over again)!!!!! She would SHOUT something in Vietnamese & point upstairs with Don & giggled all the way down, Don got his work out with over 10 laps of carrying her back & forth!!!!!
Amazingly enough, after her bath tonight (which she does NOT LIKE AT ALL, whaled the whole time & spent half the time just trying to get her to SIT DOWN in the tub), she took her bottle & once asleep I put her in her crib in HER room!!!! We'll see how long that lasts, I KNOW I will hear as soon as she wakes up and I'm not there in this STRANGE & CRAZY Carlson household!!!! Overall, great day with seeing Maile COME HOME....she feels strangely peaceful & comfortable which is such an amazing blessing!!!! It's STILL surreal to me, but THRILLED to keep living this LIVE DREAM of having our first & probably ONLY baby girl!!!!! I fully intend to spoil her rotten :) (yet still expect obedience, really!!!!)
Until later, THANK YOU again for those who followed our journey, there will be many more stories/ antidotes of Maile as she adjusts to this CRAZY American lifestyle...and a SPECIAL THANK YOU for those at the airport to welcome us HOME: my mom (who is my hero), my incredible sons, Joseph & Samuel-whom I am so proud of beyond words, Mama Karen, Aunt Michelle & Uncle Ken (& Solomons) who ARE FAMILY here for us in TX & Mandy, Anna & Ms. Karen - whom I adore & appreciate already for forging the bond for Maile & Anna to build a friendship from Ninh Thuan, VN to Dallas, TX!!!! WE LOVE YOU soooo much and cannot wait to see you again, I promise to be more relaxed, less stressed out/ mad & CLEAN :)!!!!
Thrilled our work is done in VN and MAILE is HOME!!! Kim-Lan
28 March 2007
"Back to the Future..." - Now in SEOUL!!!!
We are 1/2 way there, well actually only about 1/4 way...we still have another 15+ hours flight from Seoul to DFW...but killing time in our 4 hrs. lay over to say we have made the first leg of our journey home!!!!
We just said good-bye (I hope it's actually "see you later" than "good-bye") to the Willis Family...it was a teary eyed farewell to see this incredibly sweet, innocent Rocco on his FIRST B-day and know he will grow UP sooooo much in our absence from seeing him everyday for 2 weeks. It has been an honor and joy to travel with the Willis Family and Rocco Jase (Tuan) is a blessed littl' fella to get Jason & Heather as parents. For sure, the rocky roads, trials & tribulations God's gives us is for the TIMING of His plan...Rocco is meant to be with the Willis' and Maile Noel with us...while we wanted the adoption process to go FASTER (as all waiting families do), we KNOW now how PERFECT God's plan was for us to be destined & united with our babies. And it was HIS timing for us to be with the Willis family, along with Kennedys & Rusts to travel together. While we didn't get to know them too well since they went to Vinh Long, it was sooooo neat to see our families grow with babies in just days together, it's an amazing bond & journey.
While waiting for their plane to board first, Heather asked me the highlight of the past 19 days together (other seeing our babies for the 1st time) and we just rattled so many GREAT memories we shared together as families & new parents on a journey with our FOREVER babies!!!!! I thought I could tough it out and not cry saying farewell to them as they boarded their plane, I couldn't do it...just like the past 2 weeks flashed back with joy & down-to-the belly laughters...sorrow came knowing we will miss out on so many MORE great memories to share with them. The next time we see Rocco, he will be probably twice his size at least, walking, running, talking, eating to keep up with his Papa, etc....We will miss out on those littl' joys, but the bond we have shared in this journey will bind our hearts forever & I know we'll keep in touch....we just have to!!!! It's a GIFT for our babies too...not just the parents.
I can't even imagine the JOY, RELIEF, EXCITEMENT, LOVE & HEARTFELT THANKS I will feel when I see our family & friends in a matter of HOURS!!!! In about 14-15 hrs.+ Maile's life is going to REALLY start over and she doesn't even know it.... this incredibly shy, quiet, dossile, sweet girl has blossom to sing & talk in Vietnamese, grab the phone from my ear to speak (hear who's on the other end), taken DADDY by his hands to lead him places SHE wants to go, laugh so hard that your heart dances with laughter too!!!!! She is an amazing gift & we cannot wait to share her with the world...
I have no idea how Maile (Thuy Trang) will react when we arrive HOME, I assume she will go back in her shell & cling to me as she did when we arrived in Seoul...I do know we will all be EXHAUSTED and probably pretty rugged looking, but MORE THAN HAPPY to be HOME SWEET HOME...with my 3 boys, mom & NOW Maile & close family/ friends...what more could a girl ask for???
Cannot wait to see you soon!!!!! Signing off in Seoul...see you DFW :)!!!!! Don, Kim-Lan & Maile
27 March 2007
We're COMING HOME!!!!!!!
Yahhhhhooooooo, after sweating it out (literally), waiting and praying, all 4 fathers came back with VISAS in hand at 5:30pm today and WE ARE HEADING HOME!!!!!! I just talked with the boys & my mom & had to fight with the phone with Maile as she was shouting in Vietnamese for me to give her the phone to talk!!!! It was halarious and precious...she is ALREADY a girlie girl with glitter, pink and a phone in her hand!!!! I love it!!!!
Well, it's nearing the end of THIS CHAPTER of our journey as we embark the NEXT ONE, a NEW LIFE in "America" (what all the Vietnamese know to say about the USA & then they RAISE the price in Dongs 500+ times!!!) It's such a bittersweet moment to leave my Homeland of VIETNAM again to return to my hometown of N. Dallas, TX....FAMILY is REALLY what matters in life, they are the HEART strings that keep a person's spirit together...I CANNOT wait to hug all those sweet necks waiting for our arrival at DFW!!!!!!!!!
Here are some final antidotes of our VN trip that encompass the many culture difference observations, "You KNOW you are in VIETNAM when..." To those who have forged before us, can relate...those who may travel to VN soon will have something to look forward to :).
You KNOW you are in VIETNAM when:
- You instantly become a MILLONAIRE in Dongs when exchanging VN $$.
- Ask for Ketchup & get a PLATE of tomatoes!!!
- When you ask for a larger size, they say "Small/ Medium...Same Same!"
- When you have to convert from cm, kg, km & cel. degrees
- You/ your spouse may collect on your LIFE INSURANCE policy, just by trying to cross the streets in VN.
- There is an OPEN Flea Market of purses, clothes, hats, souvenirs, etc. on EVERY corner
- Kim-Lan is considered TALL & FAT
- A family with CHILDREN ride on ONE scooter with OUT helmets or seat belts.
- Heather goes shopping and the lady says, "I have big girl size for you..."
- ordering a Chef Salad and ALL you get are tomatoes, cucumber, corn & dressing (NO lettuce).
- when you are NOT wearing a RICE HAT like the locals do
- when the mode of transportation is by scooter, row boat, bike or by foot
- the internet is as slow as watching water boil...
- Kim-Lan looks Vietnamese but cannot understand a word they are saying (behind & in front of my back).
- When there are businesses & buildings called KIM LAN!!!!! :)
- You have to take ANOTHER shower from sweating in 5 mins. from the HUMIDITY & HEAT
- You can order Pho (VN Soup) for breakfast
- You need a calculator to get change back in 1000+ dongs.
- The mattresses come up to your shins & BRICK hard
- The MOST BEAUTIFUL, wide-eyed dark brown Asian child becomes YOURS FOREVER!!!!! We LOVE YOU Maile (Thuy Trang) FOREVER!!!!
This is my last entry in VIETNAM, I am sooooo excited to see my boys, mom & family that it is hard to be sad about leaving... It will be an emotional HOMECOMING but one we have all longed & prayed for in the past months/ years!!!!!!
To my incredible FAMILY & FRIENDS who have shared in our journey, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts...We are FOREVER changed & touched by this event and reminded on HUMAN we are...while we don't share the same language, faith, dress code, lifestyle as these amazing people 1/2 way around the world, we have the COMMON thread of the SPIRIT to survive, thrive & be with family... The work ethic of the VN people is untouchable, the raw beauty of their spirit is undescribeable & the experiences I have taken from this journey...unforgettable.
THE BEST SOUVENIR we are bringing home is Maile Noel Thuy Carlson and we cannot wait for you to meet her. Signing off until we land on U.S. soil in Dallas, TX...
Take care & God bless...thank you for your prayers of safety & good health...we are ALMOST home!!!!
BIG HUGS & KISSES to my mom & boys until we can deliver them in person!!! XOXOXOXOXO
Love & see you in about 26.5 HOURS!!!!!!! (ETA to DFW airport from Seoul on Korean Air 10am Thurs. 29 March 2007) Don, Kim-Lan & HAPPY GIRL singing in Vietnamese right now :), Maile (Thuy Trang) !!!!!
26 March 2007
Ahoy- still in Hanoi!!!
It's 9:22PM VIETNAM time and we are counting down the HOURS before traveling back HOME to the STATES...About 24 hrs. andwe'll be on our way to the AIRPORT provided we "pass" our interviews & pick up VISAS in time on WED. We are excited to get home into routine, the comforts of home, the SILENCE of NO honking scooters, taxis, bikers, etc..., eat WESTERN food again, etc... I am VERY HOMESICK and cannot wait to see my mom, boys, Michelle & Solomons, Mandy, Anna, etc...I just want to be surrounded by people who love, care & have missed us and understand the CONVERSATIONS in English!!!!!
Maile (Thuy Trang) updates is she is warming SLOWLY to Daddy...she actually kissed Daddy on the lips several times within the past couple days. She still will NOT let him hold her willingly, but grabs his whiskers & hairs on his arms & tries to eat them (gross to us, but endearing as well.) Not sure what is going on in that littl', sweet head of hers. I try to remind Don that SHE has been through A LOT in the last 27 mos....MORE than we'll ever know!!!!
MOST RECENT UPDATE on **Maile Moments,** today 27 March, Maile actually grabbed Don's cheeks and kissed one side, the other side & on the lips ON CUE when videotaping her!!!!! It was the MOST PRECIOUS moment for Don....his heart DANCED I'm sure for her to FINALLY reach out to him. AND TODAY, she finally let him pick her UP to "fly like an airplane" with BIG SMILES in the Hotel Lobby. She had seen "Uncle Don" do it so many times with Rocco that maybe she realized she MIGHT be missing out on something....She still ALWAYS wants me to hold/ carry her and she keeps VERY close tabs of me if I leave the room, but she is beginning to open to "Ba." Yahooooo, total answer to a very discouraged Don :), thank you God!!!! Then on TOP of what an amazing day for Don's heart with Thuy Trang, she said "Daddy!!!" at dinner (our 'regular hang out' in Hanoi - Pepperoni's Pizza & Pasta) with the Willis family....Heather and Don heard it... I didn't quite catch it but she really wanted DON'S attention for something....Wow, I think Don's heart skipped another beat...it's all over for him...she will have him wrapped so tight around her littl' finger, I can see it now...she can do "no wrong..." We'll have to tighten the reigns soon enough, but we soooooooo enjoying this littl' miracle. I REALLY CANNOT believe when I look into those BIG DARK BROWN eyes, that THIS really is the littl' girl we have hoped, prayed for years and seen pictures/ video for 5 mos....what a DREAM COME TRUE...
**Another Maile Moment with MOMMY is not only is she my littl' 'hip hugger' or shadow...but the BEST thing I've her from her re. me...is when I am trying to SHOWER without her and Don is holding her and she wants to be with me sooooo badly that she is crying (NOT screaming any more with Don :), but she is crying loudly)...and saying at the same time, "Ma....Ma....Ma....Ma" (That is Mommy in Vietnamese)!!!! Oh my gosh, my heart melts every time...along with hearing her littl' sweet, soft voice SING VN songs, speak words with such inflection in Vietnamese & BIG SMILES with her littl' white teeth gaping open!!!! We are soooo in LOVE with this littl' girl...What a JOY beyond word to have her FOREVER now...
We had the VN Consulate Interview with a rather stoic, stiff, very professional man...I still was NOT nervous by his questions...more by Don's answers...He tends to go on and on re. information to an answer than just simply ANSWERING the question. God bless him. The man DOES NOT ask anything about citzenship, questions. re. this, etc... but Don STARTS the conversation to the effect "Not sure if I filled out the form correctly, I was born in Turkey, but my Dad was in the military so I am a US Citizen by my parents, not by birth...." I'm sure the man was just as confused as I was in the timing of Don sharing this, because AGAIN, the man did NOT ask any questions re. this. I am thinking...."YES Don, YOU ARE A TURKEY...keep your mouth shut & wait until he asks the question!!!!" But, that all seemed to smooth over just fine (whheeewwww) and ALL the paperwork (our dossier, homestudy, I-600 & other million # forms)...I LEFT at THE HOTEL...and thankfully, did NOT even need them....again -- whhhheeewww!!!!!! Maile did GREAT, just singing, happy & playing with me during the interview, taking MY hand over her MOUTH to do the "Indian" call and then to my mouth as well...then we would CLAP together while she would sing a VN song, it was ALL so precious!!!! She is a doll baby!!!! I asked the man at the end, "Do you want to make sure she is a HAPPY baby??" He said, "I can tell, she is a lively one..." Yahoooooo, he said we were APPROVED :) and to pick up VISAS at 4pm on WED.
Now, here's the PRAYER REQUEST...ALL 4 families are FLYING out from Hanoi to Seoul, Korea together :) which is great for departing the hotel together. However, IF ONE family has ANY problems with the VISA (NOT the approval part, but just TYPO errors on Birthdate, gender, visa dates, etc.) then that FAMILY is LEFT BEHIND...ugh!!!! PLEASE pray ALL 4 families have perfect VISAS for our babies so we can ALL leave on our scheduled flights!!!! Hanoi VN Embassy is ONLY open Mon-Wed still (they did NOT go to 5 days a week) & getting VISAS at 4pm on WED is pushing it... NOT TO MENTION Thomas (our Dillon Rep.) has ALREADY LEFT us to head back to Saigon!!!! So, we are ALL ON OUR OWN from here on out until we get on the plane!!!! We were disappointed to say good-bye to Thomas as he has been wonderful, BUT...we don't feel like we are HOME FREE yet...wish he would have stayed just to MAKE SURE ALL our VISAS are OK. I GUESS, we would have to call Thomas from Hanoi if there are any problems...
So, there is STILL unfinished business and without Thomas, it's a bit more nerve racking since NONE of us speak Vietnamese well enough to communicate any problem solving....Please pray we ALL get our VISAS for our babies without a hitch as well as SAFE TRAVELS as we will go our separate ways after we land in Seoul!!!! It's such a BITTERSWEET time, to have shared this ONCE in a LIFETIME journey with these families is such a blessing, yet we all long to head home to be with family/ friends and the comforts of HOME!!!!!!
How can I ever thank my MOM, my boys & incredible family/ friends for their support, love & prayers?? The Solomon family, Michelle, Mandy, Erin, Amy, Melissa, Wendi, Kristi, Susan, Alisha, Jolin, my Encore Staff, etc... ALL the people who have rallyed around us to pray, rejoice & celebrate this ONE littl' life that we bring 1/2 way around the world and IMMEDIATELY into our hearts & home forever!!!! I get choked up just thinking about how much we have longed, prayed and dreamed for this littl' baby girl...praying God would OPEN and close doors if we were to adopt...through the incredible heart aches & setbacks in our lives from recent events....God remained FAITHFUL in giving us RAINBOW of HOPE every time we needed it....and HERE SHE IS...MORE beautiful than we can ever imagine (inside and out!!) She is like a littl' tortoise, likes to stay tucked into her shell to feel safe...but when she feels comfortable, she pops OUT of her SHELL & lights up a room with her laughter, beauty & smiles....
I cannot wait for you to meet Maile (Thuy Trang - right now we call her Twee Jang since that is her given VN name that she knows)!!!!! For those coming to the AIRPORT for Maile's HOMECOMING, please just know she will probably be tired, scared & overwhelmed. I doubt she will let anyone hold her and there may be press release there to add to the excitement & drama. I am not sure, but Dillon said DFW news have been contacted and they cannot confirm whether there will be media there or not, but be prepared...
I will close with excerpt from Steven Curtis Chapman's song HE wrote after adopting his daughter from China, "When LOVE takes YOU In..."
"I know you've heard the story, they all sound too good to be true...
You've heard about a place called HOME, but there doesn't seem to be one for YOU.
So one more night you cry yourself to sleep, drift off to a distant dream...
Somewhere while you're sleeping, someone else is DREAMING too...
Counting down the days until, they hold you close & say 'I LOVE YOU!!!'
When LOVE takes YOU In, EVERYTHING changes...
With the beat of a heart, a miracle starts....
When LOVE take you HOME...and says 'YOU belong HERE...'
The LOLINESS ends, and a NEW LIFE begins...
When LOVE takes YOU In, it takes you in for good...."
Forever IN LOVE with you Maile Noel Thuy...XOXOXOXOXO your FOREVER MOMMY!!!!!!
25 March 2007
Hong Ngoc ("Hard Knock") Hotel in HANOI!!!!!
We are at the Hong Ngoc (which happens to be Maile's birth mother's name: Ngoc) and it's HARD KNOCKS alright!!! We may be switching rooms because our LOVELY 2 rooms suite smells like MOLD when the A/C is ON...We slept without the A/C on last night and we are ready for another shower!!!! The mattresses are hard, the hand crafted solid wood furniture is BEAUTIFUL & hard and Maile flip flopping like a jelly fish and wrapping her arm around me is a bit hard (but incredibly sweet too.) BUT, we are excited and exhausted with all the things to see/ do, anticpation of our flight & anxious for the upcoming days to be HOME (almost like when we were preparing to LEAVE for VIETNAM over 2 weeks ago!!!) What an AMAZING journey it has been!!!!
While we LOVE seeing the sights & sounds of VIETNAM, it's been a exhausting trip...soooo thankful to have the experience last year to see more of the spirit of the people, kids in the orphanages, beauty of the raw land. This trip, obviously with a beautiful & active 2 yrs. old (who is coming out of her shell!), sleepless nights and lugging an extra 20# around everywhere on the CRAZY BUSY streets dodging 100's of scooters in this 120% humidity is EXHAUSTING...BUT ONE WE WOULD NEVER TRADE FOR THE WORLD...BECAUSE WE NOW HAVE MAILE IN HAND!!!!
Just wanted to share we have SOMEHOW SAFELY made it to our LAST leg of our trip to HANOI and await the VN Consulate Interview TOMORROW (TUES!!!), pick up the VISAS on WED and head to USA late WED PM, arriving hopefully ON SCHEDULE through Korean Air from Seoul to DFW at 10AM - Thurs 29 March!!!!!
I had a "You know you are in VIETNAM" antidotes but will have to write them later. We have to clean up for today & head out now.
Until later, signing off...Ms. Saigon & Maile (Thuy Trang)
24 March 2007
Flip Flops & over 350 steps later...
We got off our boat to tour the FISHING HOUSE BOAT where more than the entertainment of seeing the crab, fish, eel, octopus, squid & shrimp nestled in their nets obvilious they may be purchased for the "next meal" was watching HEATHER get SOOOOO EXCITED about SEEING THESE ANIMALS!!!! I wish I had a VIDEO of HER!!!! She was halarious and we got a speedy science lesson on octupus changing colors, their large brains, etc...THEN there was the ONE FISH that I cannot even remember the name (kind of squid - Chamber Nautilus?) & Heather exclaimed it by NAME and was the one she had ONLY seen in books was NOW in REAL LIFE for her to see with her very own eyes...it was a PRECIOUS moment~!!! We have really enjoyed traveling with them and boy does ROCCO like Mr. Don. Thankfully he can relieve his parents & take flight in Don's arms since Maile will NOT let Daddy hold her (still).
So, the pinnacle of this amazing 4 hrs. journey would be when our delightful tour guide (VERY sweet young guy) said there is a TOURIST CAVE for us to walk through, but there is 70 STEPS to climb up to before entering the cave...was I up for it??? With MAILE on my HIP b/c having Daddy was NOT an option, but here we go again with the FLIP FLOP issue (as you may remember me TRYING to run in the airport in flip flops to catch our connecting flight from Seoul to Saigon, VN). Well, OF COURSE, I could NOT pass up the opportunity to tour this amazing cave and just SIT on the boat and WAIT (those who know me, know I do NOT like to sit around...let alone when there is something exciting to do.) So, off we are...with Maile on my hip and I can testify it was WELL OVER 70 STEPS UPWARD to the entrance of the cave!!!! Suddenly I was climbing what felt like Mt. Everest and about 2 years PREGNANT with a 20# baby in FLIP FLOPS!!!!! I am fortunate, I did NOT FLIP FLOP down the mega steps...I was dripping wet when we finally boarded the boat, the HARDEST work out I have had since arriving in VIETNAM!!!!
The cave was quite a sight to see, with stalagmites and stalagtites all over the place and discovered by a man who came in through the TOP Of a hole abt. 40 YEARS AGO!!!!! I think Heather said there was over 350 steps (& thankfully 1/2 of them were in the NEATLY organized cave steps). The reward for our HARD WORK was the delicious seafood lunch awaiting us about surving the million steps tour. We had FRESH crab, shrimp & fish (just like the critters we had seen earlier in the nets on the floating FISH house boat.) With spring rolls, french friesk, rice, cabbage & dragon fruit...we were sad to have the boat tour end!!! THE HIGHLIGHT was AGAIN WATCH Heather laugh with glee as she got so easily amused & tickled by 3 littl' words, "Sweet Baby Lou..." We were all laughing WITH Heather!!!!
We had a delightful time & all happy to take a 2 hour nap at our hotel rooms!!!! Now, onto getting some supper & shopping at the NIGHT MARKET. We may need to buy another suitcase as we are certainly bringing back MORE then we came with...the BEST Souvenir of all of course is the sweet, litt' busy body who has come out of her shell but still will NOT let Daddy hold her, Maile Noel Thuy Trang... We LOVE to hear her sweet soft voice sing & talk in Vietnamese!!!! I wish she could translate for me as we walk on the streets and peddlers yap at us....
Time to sign off until we get to Hanoi, PLEASE SOMEONE call my mom and the boys & tell them how much WE LOVE & MISS THEM...CANNOT wait to see them & other family/ friends on USA soil in just 4.5 days!!!!!!!!Thank you for your prayers, we still need them...LOVE & MISS YOU...
Signing off for now, Ms. Saigon
23 March 2007
WE ARE HERE in Ha Long Bay!!!!!!!
Before I forget, here is our ITINERARY so PLEASE someone call my mom and tell her we are OKAY :) and that we LOVE & MISS her & the boys SOOOOOO MUCH... My phone card does not work in Ha Long Bay, hopefully when we get back to Hanoi in a couple of days.
TODAY Fri. 23 March - Ha Long Bay staying at the Heritage Hotel
Sat 24 March 8-NOON Ha Long Bay Private "JUNK" boat tour :)
Sun 25 March 9 - Leave Ha Long to head to Hanoi and JOIN DILLON GROUP at Hong Ngoc Hotel (ETA: 2-3pm)
Mon 26 March - FREE day in Hanoi
Tues 27 March - VN Consulate Interview!!!!!!! (ETA 1pm)
Wed 28 March - Pick up Childrens' VISAS :) and prepare to depart VN
Thurs 29 March - Korean Air brings us from Seoul to DFW - LAND ON USA Soil!!!!!!! (ETA 10AM CST!!!!!)
This amazing littl' angel continues to be such a trooper in the events of being shuffled around, hotel to hotel, hour by hour traveling to new sites/ places...Maile (Thuy Trang) continues to sing, claps, smile & talk in VN but will STILL NOT let DON hold her. She still GRUNTS "Unnnggggghhhhhh!!!" for NO when you ask her "Do you want Ba to hold you???" She remains to be my shadow or hip hugger, but thankful she feels SAFE with me in this littl' "storm" of chaos & uncertainty for her right now. I am ENJOYING VIETNAM, but do look forward to getting HOME and "beginning our life" with routine, family/ friends, comfort of our surroundings, etc...and NOT living out of our suitcases & washes clothes out in the sink to "stretch" them out in wearing it "one more time..."
I better sign off for now, Maile is getting restless, but wanted to CONNECT with you somehow to tell you we are FINE and ALL still accounted for.... again PLEASE someone call my mom and tell her we are OKAY :) and that we LOVE & MISS her & the boys SOOOOOO MUCH...
Forever changed & grateful for the littl' life entrusted into our hearts & lives with Maile now in hand!!!!! Signing off for now... Ms. Saigon
21 March 2007
We have an update and GREAT news....we had our Medical exams for our babies YESTERDAY and picked up our passports!!!! We are moving right along and excited to say it looks GOOD for us to head HOME on our designated date of THURS. 29 March...ONE WEEK from TODAY :).
We will spend our last day here in SAIGON and head to HANOI today at 3:30pm!!! Then my VN friend, Viet, coordinated a 2 DAY tour to Halong Bay :) for us with the Willis Family this FRI-SUN :). We'll meet up with the other families in Hanoi on SUN PM and hang there until we FLY HOME on THURS. 29 March, landing in DFW at 10AM!!!!!! :)
I have to run and get this littl' Missy some breakfast, but wanted to share our GREAT updates and I will write more later!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS, we need them!!!!
We are almost HOME FREE, see you soon!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOX
Don, Kim-Lan & Happy & Singing Girl, Maile Thuy Trang
19 March 2007
ICING on the CAKE!!!!!!
We had an AMAZING ending to Don's B-day...Maile (Thuy Trang) came OUT of her shell!!!!
We had the U.S. Consulate interview in Ho Chi Minh City around NOON on Mon., all 4 families (Willis, Rust, Kennedy & Carlson) were taxied with babies in hand to meet with (thankfully) an English speaking female official ushered us to a private room asking basic questions where we live, was the orphanage clean & neat, medicals on Trang, Dillon staff, etc...I was not nervous at all and no documents were needed to fumble through to provide to her. THE ONLY glich that MORTIFIED me was when Maile's shoes starting come off or something and she decided to lunge OUT OF MY LAP straight down to the floor, HEAD FIRST--RIGHT in front of the lady, hitting her head on the table. I caught her before crashing on the floor, but I thought "oh my gosh, NOW is NOT the time to fall on your head, in front of a U.S. official that we are trying to ensure approval to get your U.S. passport!!!!!" Amazingly enough, Thuy Trang did NOT cry, she was shocked & stunned like the 3 of us in the room!!! So, we passed that with flying colors (so I assume & hope!) :)
After lunch & 2 hrs. nap of snuggling, Maile & I went shopping for "Ba's" b-day (while he went with the other men to get airplane tickets to Hanoi). The whole Dillon Staff: Mr. Minh, Mr. Thomas, Ms. Jynh, Ms. Phu met all 4 families again for a traditional Vietnamese dinner...somewhere that needed us to be hurdled into a taxi & thrown on the streets dodging peddlers, scooters, cars, buses, walkers, etc...Don's b-day wish (as well as all of ours) soon became "PLEASE let me survive this taxi ride so that I can see another tomorrow!!!!!" We all made it to this restaurant where Thomas had a long table all ready set up and servers ready to deliver an amazing 6-7 course meal. I don't know how the VN people are so tiny if they celebrate eating these elaborate meals, but it's SOOOO healthy (& I presume they don't get it very often!?). We had FRESH spring rolls with peanut sauce...I LOVE them! Then fried spring rolls, Pho (VN soup), rice with 2 vegetable dishes along with the entrees of tofu, shrimp & littl' red chili peppers dish (SPICY...EVEN TOO HOT for ME!!!!-WOW) & some meat dish with bones (that I did not try, looked like too much work for such littl' meat). Then when we thought the meal was done, out came vermichelli noodles & vegetable dish!!!! It was a great time with being with the DILLON Family & Friends sharing Don's b-day & the union of our sweet babies (& U.S. Consulate interview)!!!!! On top of that, Don was presented by the Dillon family a bouquet of flowers & the BEST TASTING CAKE I have ever had!!! It was so light & fluffy between angel food cake & a white cake with whipped chocolate frosting!!!!!
The ONLY thing I know that would have made the day perfect (& Don's b-day wish come true) would be if Maile would have LET Don hold her or any form of affection...While that didn't look like it was going to happen that day, there would be a littl' surprise in store...All the babies did GREAT with the exception of Maile rocking back & forth in her high chair (with NO straps BTW) and bonked her head on the table...then it was meltdown time...and thankfully time to wrap up the wonderful dinner!! Thankfully the bump on her head did NOT appear from the FIRST fall hours early during the US Consulate Interview, but NOW there's a littl' goose egg for Passport photos on Tues!!!! ugh...
The BEST part of Don's whole b-day was the end of the day when we returned to the hotel settling in for the evening & Maile decided she did NOT want to sleep but instead SING & DANCE & play with DADDY!!!!! Yeeeaaahhhhh~!!!! Mandy called us from the US :) (*THANK YOU*) and while encouraging Don that Maile WILL open up to her "Ba", she was already making head way by singing in the bathroom with me!!! She was belting out a VN song & wanted me NOT to see her while I was taping it all, it was PRECIOUS!!! Clapping, singing and slapping the toilet seat cover...it was one of the BEST Maile moments...
The festivities continued with our littl' party when Maile opened up & laughed heartedly with Don playing peek-a-boo & catch the angel bear games...We could NOT believe this was same withdrawn littl' girl with BIG eyes, shy, quiet & so cautious & reserved...Oh my, she found her comfort zone & we were thrilled to see her share it with Daddy now!!!!!! When asking her STILL "Do you want Ba to hold you??" She GRUNTS "Unnnggghhhh" for NO, but SHE DID rub her littl' foot on his arm last night too!!!! That was progress & the best gift Don could ask for at this point!!!!! She will be VERY shy & reserved in public settings, coming home, new friends, etc...but ONCE she opens up...WATCH OUT!!!! We will all get to see a NEW side of Maile that we had only hoped for after 5 mos. of seeing this scared, quiet, BIG brown-eyed baby girl in pictures.
We go to get PASSPORT Photos done TUES. 20 Mar, yeah....something else on the docket to do...ONE more step to getting her HOME on U.S. soil...can't wait!!!! PLEASE give ALL OUR LOVE to our boys & mom for us...we MISS them terribly & tell them how much we LOVE them!!! We'll be together as FAMILY FOREVER very soon!!!
Signing off with HAPPY girl, Maile in her littl' VN pink dress!!!! :) XO Kim-Lan
18 March 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Ba" (Don)!!!!!
**UPDATE: We have our U.S. Consulate Interview in Saigon today around NOON!!!! Yeahhhhh, progress in getting paperwork & passport approval to come HOME*** Children's PASSPORT Photos on Tues & pick up passports & have medical exam this Thurs/ Friday...The goal is to have Hanoi VN Consulate Interview NEXT Mon or Tues!!!! Please keep PRAYING for the timing to be right to still fly out & arrive home 3/29/07!!!!
Don & I woke up this AM around 12:05AM with a BIRTHDAY SCREAM from Maile--it was hardly the soft spoken "oh there you are Daddy" as she rolls over, opens her eyes & catches a glance of him!!! It was more like, "AAAAHHHHHH - WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?" kind of scream!!!! She could not get a regular breathing pattern or see through the littl' slits of her eyes to know/ see that I was right next to her...poor thing. Our hearts did a RIVERDANCE TAP Dance together as she laid on my chest!! Don went downstairs to work on emails, now we have switched places...I feel like a teenager sneaking out of the house trying to slip away for a few moments before getting caught. BTW, tell my mom, I NEVER DID THIS!!! :) I will KNOW if Maile wakes up (as well as the whole hotel from the 5th floor down) if Don has to bring her to me in hysterics!!
She is my shadow or on my hip always...I may have to TEACH DANCE with her!!!! I KNOW in time Maile will learn to love & trust Don as I have (which took years really...). Whatever progress is made during our stay here in VIETNAM (if she becomes comfortable w/ Don), may help when we get home when we add the layer of MORE family with 2 awesome BIG brothers, Grandma Lizzy & Grandma Karen & Aunt Michelle...oh boy!!!! I think she will do GREAT with the boys since they are young & she played with boys at the orphanage & women care givers is all she knew...it's just DADDY we have to work on with Maile!!! NOW, I know when the agency said it could take about 9 mos. - 1 year for her to settle in at home...I see how this may be the case with us. She OPENS UP like a flower when Don is NOT around, we went shopping yesterday & Heather got a littl' video clip of Maile :), laughing, DANCIN' around in the mall!!!! She did let Ba sneak a peek at her teeth yesterday after supper with her big smiles! We thought we were making progress since she let Ba feed her & even play the "catch-the-angel bear" game for a bit...I guess right now, it's ONE step forward, TWO steps back...
A LOT has happened in her 27 mos. of life, more changes, loss, grief & sadness than some experience in 27 years!!!!
It's so hard (esp. for Don) when she let him hold her in the early days of us getting her, but NOT since G&R day!!! He has seen video & photos of her day in and day out for 5 mos....and so in love with her. THANKFULLY, Don has a revolutionary conversation with our VN friend, VIET, who was our tour guide last year when in Vietnam for the Motherland Tour. He reminded Don to remember that since Thuy Trang's birth mother had her out of wed lock, not only was there NO father present to help (from what we know)...but potentially ILL if not HATRED feelings re. MEN were brewing in the mother's heart & womb during & after pregnancy!!! That was a LIGHT BULB moment for Don...which helps with his patience level but not the longing of Thuy Trang to love him back. I KNOW the day will come that she leaps out of my arms & into his & exclaims "I love you Ba!!!" That will be a day we won't forget...it's coming...and just like EVERY THING else in this adoption pregnacy: we just don't KNOW when it's coming!!!!
Hang in there "Big Daddy," ONE day we will LAUGH about our time in VIETNAM when we asked Maile "do you want Ba to hold you?" And she would GRUNT "unnggghhhh!!!" for "NO!!" Happy Birthday Don!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Time to sneak in a shower (hopefully by myself), yesterday AM, Maile peed & pooped on the bathroom floor & then showered with me...THAT was a Maile moment!!! :)
PS- I HOPE the slide show of FIRST pictures of Maile with us showed up OK on your end, it's there but doesn't show well on my end!!!???16 March 2007
Now introducing....MAILE NOEL CARLSON!!
Here you go....our FIRST pictures of Maile Noel Thuy Carlson from meeting her the first day on Tues. March 13 to the G&R Ceremony on Wed March 14, 2007!!! We have gone to the beach, pool, shopping, 7+ hrs. bus ride back to Saigon & more shopping since then!!!!
We will write more later, time for supper and then bedtime for Maile :). Thank you for sharing in our JOY & LOVE with our sweet baby girl!!!
God bless, Don & Kim-Lan & now Maile FOREVER!
15 March 2007
Maile Moments
We are back from Ninh Thuan to Saigon, VN - we are exhausted from the 7+ hrs. trek dodging 100's of scooters, trucks & bicycles...I just had to NOT look to keep from having a heart attack or nausea!
Here are some Maile Moments from our last 24 HRS...of officially having her FOREVER OURS yesterday 14 March!
- Maile (Thuy Trang is what we've called her from the orphanage to recognize her name) fell asleep in my arms throughout the WHOLE G&R ceremony...
- With the exception of 2-3 times of tolerating "ba" (Daddy) holding her, she has refused to do so...She has been my shadow & trying not to LOOK at Don whenever he was speaking to her. She would look with her eyes DOWN to walk past him to come to me. Or if I would put my finger out, she would grab it to walk with me....Right now, she has NO interest in Daddy, but I know his tender heart will endure the patience until Maile comes around and is ready~!
- **She NOW knows who her Mommy is...Phu (one of the Female VN helpers) held her at lunch so I could go to the bathroom, plus I was feeling VERY nauseated from bumping bus ride. BUT!!! at our next pit stop & gave Maile to Phu again (b/c I KNEW giving Maile to Don was NOT an option) --I was gone only minutes & came back to see Maile BALLING & CRYING & SCREAMING for me!!!!!! My goodness- this sweet thing KNOWS when I am NOT around! As soon as I took her, she stopped crying! :) Thankfully I WAS able to calm her down!!!
- She has NOT said a peep, only looking with those BIG DARK Brown eyes. She can tell you a whole story & HOW she feels about it, just by her LOOKS alone~!!!!
- In the hotel room, where I put her down & leave for a minute, when I returned she was in the same place...never moving once...I have a feeling that is going to change VERY SOON~!!!
- She has fallen asleep in my arms for naps/ bedtime with a bottle...TOTALLY the BEST feeling in the world. She eats like a littl' bird, open her mouth & let me feed her!!! She is the ONLY '2' y/o that can take 5+ bites of a CHEERIO!!!!! She will soon learn to fend for herself when she sees her BIG brothers.
- JUST ONE HOUR AGO... a Whole new Maile opened up...she giggled & laughed at dinner! NOW I can't keep her still, she is singing & speaking VN phrases & laughs easily!!! WHAT smile :) she has...WOW!!!! That littl' voice is so precious & she has TEETH...we have not seen them until just now!!!! The hard part will be discipling since she is so new with us, but BOY has she OPENED UP!!!! She slaps the table, herself, Mommy...now also pinches & bites...YIKES.
I THINK I have my work cut out for me now~!!! When I found out "Thuy Trang" means shy & cautious SWEETHEART...I thought that is perfect for our baby girl...being so soft, quiet & reserved. I think it's all still true & thrilled and honored to see that feels comfortable enough with me to OPEN UP...but I need to stay "on my toes" with her too :)!!!!
Well, we are exhausted from the day, time to get bottle & to bed...we will be in SAIGON now for a few more days - through this weekend and early next...we have to apply for Maile's passport & visa & wait for HCMC Consulate Interview...then we will fly to Hanoi for the same thing before flying HOME!!! I feel like I've been gone weeks and it's only been 5 days, just another 14 days to go, IF ALL THINGS go as planned...PLEASE continue to pray for us, safety, good health & happy spirits for everyone!!!
Love & God bless you all,
NOW officially Maile Noel Thuy's mom!!! Kim-Lan (& Don)
Prov. 3:5-6
13 March 2007
My orphan eyes meet hers...
WE HAVE HER!!!!!!!!! Maile Noel Thuy Carlson is OFFICALLY OURS...I get chills just writing that!!! What an AMAZING past 24 hrs. I tried so hard to log in last night after exhaustion and emotions had consumed the 7 hrs. drive to NT & then meeting Maile (Thuy Trang is what they call her in the orphanage), but the internet was sooooooo slllllooooooowwwwww!!! Heather & I tried to wait patiently for the internet to load ONE page & it took 10 mins...we just couldn't sit through it, I was literally falling asleep waiting.
We just got back to the BEAUTIFUL Hotel here and just had to try again to see if the internet was faster & it WAS...so here I AM...to tell you-- WE HAVE SEEN, HELD, LOVED & NOW OFFICIALLY OURS, our ANGEL GIRL!!!! What a DREAM come true!!!
To back track from the last 24 hrs. - we arrived at the orphanage at 3pm - I had been practicing VN phrases on the way, would I be able to communicate with her how much we loved her already??? We saw Maile & a couple other little ones standing on top of the stairs of the 2nd floor at the gate as we pulled up. My heart was racing, tears were streaming, I was shaking and couldn't believe THIS WAS THE MOMENT to see her littl' face in person!!! A caregiver swept her away to change her outfit as we got out of the bus but within seconds of us arriving on the top steps, she appeared out of the doorway facing out to me and plummeted into my arms. There was NO soft introduction, looking at her closely and slowly, it was "here is Thuy Trang, Mama..." & I found her in my arms!!!!! She was WIDE EYED and very cautious, totally scared I'm sure but taking everything in. She had seen families come in before and the end result would be a playmate missing. Well this time it was HER TIME...we were THERE FOR HER!!!! As surreal as it was for her, it was for me...I got choked up just in awe of this most beautiful, BIG DARK eyed girl with supple olive skin & pouty lips in my arms & LETTING ME HOLD HER!!! She never cried ONCE IN MY ARMS!!!! In fact, her littl' arm was wrapped around my arm so tight like a hook, it was the BEST feeling in the world!!!!
We got the honor & pleasure of experiencing Heather & Jason hold Rocco (Tuan) for the first time & he cried at first, so unsure of the instant chaos. But with some time, he settled into BOTH Daddy & Mommy's arms!!!! Rocco was amazing, so sweet, precious & charmingl...a perfect fit for his NEW family! There were 4-5 babies on the floor & crib, I was terrified to accidently step or trip on one. A caregiver gave me "BOXED MILK" for her to drink (like a juice box but it was milk) & we sat on the foyer floor we we soaked in the moments of caregivers talking in VN, babies squeeling & crying...HOLDING Maile in my arms was a SPLICE OF HEAVEN on EARTH...
I tried to pass Thuy Trang to "ba" (daddy) - she did NOT like that...We heard her cry for the first time & boy it was a loud cry! She was mad & not going to have this strange white man hold her...she wanted to say how scared she was but could not so she cried! So, I took her and she stopped crying after getting her breathing back to a normal pattern...BUT!!! After a tour of the orphanage upstairs to see where she slept and view other babies, I tried again to see if Thuy Trang would let "ba" hold her...and SHE DID!!!! She was NOT liking it but she did NOT cry either - that's progress!!!!!
We sang lullabies to her & she was VERY aware of what was going on, constantly watching with those BIG, DARK BROWN EYES, but NOT saying a word!!!! We gave treats & candies to the other older children downstairs & they swarmed around us like bees to honey exclaiming, "me, me!!!!" We shared photos from back home & the "Grandmother" of the Centre & caregivers LOVED it, they huddled around oooohhing & ahhhhhhing over Anna (who is with her forever family in Dallas, TX) & pictures of ME in the orphanage, Maile & her NEW forever family!!!Unfortunately after our 2 hrs. visit, we had to leave, but it would be the last night without her.
WED 14 March 2007 12:37PM here in Ninh Thuan -- "FOREVER OURS" Day!!!
We woke up about 4:00am this AM & watched the video of yesterday's events with tears of joy & anticipation of getting ready for the G&R TODAY!!!! It was amazing footage & the emotions flood back...we then walked on the beach (yes, the pool walks out onto the BEACH of the PACIFIC OCEAN!!!) and watched the sunrise & picked a few seashells...Then after breakfast, it would be the event of a lifetime to officially be GIVEN Thuy Trang to be our daughter FOREVER!!!
We met with the Director of the Social Support Centre & had an "interview" where he asked about our families, future, time & effort to adopt & first and foremost...how come I didn't SPEAK VIETNAMESE if I was VIETNAMESE, even if I was an American now!!!?? But, he was very happy to know our babies were going to be loved & cared for like they were in at NT orphanage & ensured good medical care, education & future! The funniest conversation was when asking our occupations & between a Pastor, School Teacher, Financial Analyst & Dance Instructor (me) - the Dir. says, "Oh that is GOOD JOB" and smiles heartedly :).
We got to meet the social worker who accepted & did the paperwork for Maile. We tried to ask as many questions as possible but with language barrier & translation, it was a bit difficult. We didn't find out too much new informati0n but now know her birth mother lives very near by (about 2 miles away) & brought her to the orphanage last JUNE at 18 mos. old...both appeared to be in good health.
We said our good-byes & thank yous to caregivers & Directors at the centre and WITH MAILE in hand, we took her to the NT Local Justice Dept. (where our dossiers, paperwork, etc. had been processed.) While waiting for the ceremony to begin, Maile FELL ASLEEP IN MY ARMS & throughout the whole ceremony!!! I LOVED that she felt safe enough to lean up against my chest & hear my heart beating next to hers and then fall asleep. The officials welcomed us & started the 20-30 mins. ceremony through translations. We signed a few documents, paid 1 MILLION DONGS & made own decree to the officials ensuring we would care for our babies, raise them to honor the VN culture & try to bring them back to their homeland (& teach the VN language). That was it...after photos, we left the Local Justice Dept. where that would be last time we'd see one of the caregivers as we drove off...
The daddies applied for our babies' passport as we NOW begin the paperwork to BRING Maile HOME!!!! PLEASE pray we get the passport, visa, interviews, etc...all on time so we can fly home on our scheduled flight of 29 MARCH 2007!!! I cannot believe that will be 2 weeks from now, it feels like we've been gone a lifetime already...We have our baby, we just wanna come home NOW!!!! Mission accomplished :) - but not "Home free" yet...
Maile has fallen asleep in my lap again facing outward as I write to you...this DREAM come true is FAR better than I could ever have imagined...THANK YOU God for this littl' life entrusted into our arms & THANK YOU MOM & BOYS for hangin' in there until we bring Maile home!!! PLEASE know how much WE LOVE YOU and we'll be home as soon as we can!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!!!! I feel 'bad' for you that I GOT THE BEST GIFT of all & it's YOUR B-day...don't worry, I'll share my GIFT with you SOON!!!!
LOVE YOU ALL...we head back to Saigon tomorrow & will TRY really hard to upload photos...we have taken 100's already!!!! It's truly surreal to have this baby girl NOW in person, OURS...FOREVER....Wow!!!!!
Signing off with JOY in our HEARTS, Don, Kim-Lan & NOW Maile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Jer. 29:11 "For I KNOW the plans I have for you, declares the Lord..."
12 March 2007
11 hours & counting...tick, tick...
I think this journey back "home" to Saigon has already been more emotional for me than the first one. I am SOOOO thankful to have gone on the Motherland tour last year to see the sights and sounds of SAIGON - it feels strangely PEACEFUL and for anyone who has forged before us to VN, knows that Saigon is anything BUT peaceful as you walk across the street with NO reassurance that the rushing & beeping scooters are NOT going to hit you. You do NOT want to run across the streets of VN, you walk slowly, but agressively enough to know that they see you as a moving target and miraculously (EVERY TIME) they forge around you and zip by!!! (Well, at least I have NOT gotten hit once yet) :) - LOL - I know my mom will love hearing that one! ha.
The first trip last year to my homeland, my eyes were WIDE OPEN and just STUNNED by the craziness, chaos, peddlers on the streets, scooters/ cars honking, the bartering, on and on...then to go tour several orphanages, families on the street, factories where EVERY thing was made from scratch from clay to rice paper for spring rolls...I started seeing a connecting thread, a link that bind the VIETNAMESE people and make them so special & beautiful. It's the SPIRIT of the VN people & their LOVE for family. Families gathered around Pho (VN soup) on the streets with what feels like 110 deg. & 110% humidity, and they are just as content as can be...kids playing with barefeet near by & not a care in the world at 2pm. Their work ethic (for those who can find work) is unbeatable, their poverty level undescribeable, and yet their spirit throughout...unstoppable!
I think feeling "humbled" by my trips to VN is an understatement...it's more like "unworthiness." Why did God choose ME to be plucked out of the orphanage & land in a home with NO father, only a Grandmother & Mother to raise me?? My 2nd chance in life, once again - didn't bring a Father into my life...NO brothers, NO Grandfathers, NO male cousin. I would NOT know the strength & reassurance in ANY male role model telling, "you're pretty," "don't do this when you start dating," "make sure you..." WHATever a fatherly figure can offer a young girl with a yearning heart to "fit in" & just "belong" somewhere...Then, as time would have it...God would bless me with an incredible husband & the 2 most beautiful sons I could ever dream of!!!! My goodness God...you give me no men in my life growing up, then 1 husband & 2 boys (whom I affectionately refer to as my "3 boys" :)) - YES, God DOES have a sense of humor!! :)
Early in my dating years, I would not have seen Don as "my type," - he is "shorter" than the guys I dated & smaller framed...But, as it would turn out, Don is JUST MY TYPE...God placed into my life after years of trials & tribulations that I will not go into, a man that is STRONG in character, full of integrity & honesty, love & dedication to me & his family and with a heart bigger than his whole body! He is the smartest man I know (after serving 6 yrs. in the Air Force as a Russian linguist & now with a Masters in Finance)...and I was just SMART enough to MARRY HIM...
I am SO proud to be an AMERICAN - truly the "Land of the Free"...FREE to be who you want to be, FREE to work, FREE to find the resources to live in a house, drive a car & have a pantry FULL of FOOD. We REALLY do NOT know what a BLESSED & RICH nation we have until you see a 3rd world country like Vietnam stuck back from the passage of time from the VN War. They are still struggling to afford shelter, put shoes on their feet and know when their next meal will be. I am SO proud to be VIETNAMESE as well...a link back to my heritage in the past years has only allowed me to realize the FAMILY LINK is a bond that cannot be broken once you let yourself love & be loved...I believe I have an innate strong "work ethic" - and many know me as the "Crazy Dancin' Realtor" because of my drive to work...NOT so much to "succeed" for status, income or accolades, but merely in the motivation to minister & serve others is so great within me. How can I help you? What can I do for you? seems to be my natural tendency...trusting and receiving help...not my gig...GIVING, that is what my mother taught me is such a PRECIOUS gift. GIVING your love, your help, your TIME...gifts that cannot be bought are the BEST gifts to receive.
I will FOREVER now, more than ever believe I have ONE foot in the States and ONE foot in VIETNAM and together the link that binds the human race is the tenacity & spirit within.
THANK YOU God for the amazing gifts of LIFE that you have given through ADOPTION!!! The God who knows ALL plans, has perfectly aligned this 3rd geneation adoption journey that began Sept. 7, 1898...the day my Grandma Violet was born...I love & miss you so much!!!! I sit here right now with tears in my eyes weeping to know you are not here physically with me anymore to see the family & life I have built. I think you'd be proud of me Grandma!!!! Thank you for the 2nd chance in life for my mom. You raised an incredible daughter whom I am so proud to call "MY MOM!!!" She is my hero & I pray I can raise Maile half as well as you did MY MOM!
Signing off with a heart full of anticipation & unworthiness to be experiencing such a dream come true...Ms. Saigon
Chao Ban Again from Saigon!!!
Heather & I are hangin' checkin' emails/ blogs...we have had a blast "resting" today filled with getting manicures, pedicures, massages & best of all, SHOPPING for GREAT deals...any ONE who knows me, knows I LOVE a GREAT deal!!!! If it's 200,000 dongs...then I will not get it unless I can get it for at least half that! Heather, Don & I were partners in crime buying watches, purses, shoes, etc...and it's ONLY the first FULL day here in Saigon, oh my!!!!
I cannot wait to get Maile in hand & shop with her to see what size she is...we got an update from Thomas today after filling out our I-600 form that Maile is about 29.5" tall and 21.5#...so I think (& hope) her 12 mos. clothes will fit for now but I predict she will grow quickly into 18 mos. this summer with some PROTEIN & VEGETABLES...the main things lacking from her rice/ noodle soup & milk & very littl' fruit- diet!!! We got an update on her schedule & she is up around 5-6am (YIKES) and goes to bed around 9pm with a bottle & still takes naps :) - (YEAH)...and plays in between...with what I am not sure, since they do NOT have anything!!!
I know the upcoming days will be EMOTIONAL to say the least and surreal for a while...to see pictures of our sweet baby girl, day in and day out, over and over again for 5 mos. now, I just cannot believe she will be LIVE & IN PERSON tomorrow for my eyes to see....I get chills EVERY time thinking about it...
THANK YOU for allowing me to share with you this 3rd generation adoption (YES, I said 3rd generation - MY MOM was adopted too domestically) and then me from Saigon, VN and to make a FULL CIRCLE back to VIETNAM to bring home a daughter is more than this happy heart can handle...Here's a littl' poem I wrote a month or so ago:
Kim-Lan, adopted into America, the "Land of the Free..."
Destined to be Sandy's littl' girl for the world to see.
VIETNAM bound: Don & Kim-Lan have traveled to get their angel from above...
THANK YOU for celebrating in Maile Noel Thuy Carlson, a gift of God's LOVE!!!!!
To God be all the glory, signing off until we see Maile for the FIRST time...Ms. Saigon
"In love, He predestined us to be ADOPTED as His children through Jesus Christ..." Eph. 1:5
11 March 2007
We found Heather & Jason from SC (who will be traveling with us to NT to get 1 y/ o boy) & then also Carla & Mike from OK (they will go to Vinh Long to get 3 y/o boy) - at DFW airport...all on the same flights! We will meet Rachel & Tim from SD for breakfast in a few hours (going to Vinh Long -to get 3 y/o girl) breakfast.)
Our lay over was more than stressful trying to transfer planes & get through security with ONE LINE & then running in my FLIP FLOPS to the end of the terminal to get to gate 41!!!! Now, I realize why I always wear tennis shoes when traveling and don't know why I didn't this time... I will be buying a pair today & a WATCH!!! Like my littl' Sammy, I love to know the numbers...what time is it here and in TX???
I was teary-eyed on the plane reading again through Maile's birth mother's paperwork on the plane...just as I embark on being Maile's FOREVER Mommy, I know it is ONLY because of the LOVE of her birthmother that we have this little life soon-to-be in our arms!!! Maile's birth mom took her to Ninh Thuan Orphanage ONE day before she turned 18 mos. old on June 12 of 2006...Her birth mother's b-day is Sept 4, right between mine & Joseph's...so many thoughts/ emotions run through my head...what was the decision like for that moment of Maile's birth mother to say, "ok, I want a better/ longer life for you...I give you a new opportunity with another family..." Oh my heart aches for her, a face I will never meet but a heart I can pray for always... I hope somehow, someway the orphanage can relay to her that Maile is going to a GOOD HOME filled with LOVE, big brothers & resources to reach her fullest potential. I just want her birthmom to know that, I can only pray she will know that in her heart someday...
Landing at 11:30pm in Saigon on Sun 3/11...we were all so relieved to meet Minh, Thomas & Tinh greeting us with a Dillon sign among the 100's, I mean 100's of people greeting their family members!!! It's quite a sight to see...you feel like a celebrity but in reality you are a peon in a foreign land, helpless & looking for someone to understand English... I got teary eyed again when the emotions flooded me of realizing I was "back HOME" again to see my homeland and this time return with a littl' girl in hand...WOW...It felt like I was just here and yet a year ago...a lifetime of events have happened in between as well... We will look forward to meeting up again with Phat from MY adoption agency (AIAA) & Viet who was our tour guide on my Motherland Tour last March 2006.
I cannot believe STILL this is happening, it's surreal...all I have to say before signing off is "Maile: we are HERE and we are coming to get you sweet baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!" Each moment we are closer :) ...March 13th & 14th will be days I will NEVER forget...meeting Maile for the first time & then having her "Forever Ours" on the 14th!
Michelle & friends: PLEASE tell my mom & the boys we LOVE them & HUG 'em around the necks for us! My heart broke to see Samuel cry on our send off...PLEASE just tell them how much we love them & that we are so proud of them!!!!! Our mission will soon be accomplished and we'll be bringing their littl' sister HOME!!!!
Signing off for now as I will TRY to get some rest for the adventure that awaits us, Ms. Saigon
10 March 2007
8 HOURS before we leave for VIETNAM!!!
This is my final entry before departing DFW to head to VIETNAM to get our sweet baby girl... I do not know what pictures I will be able to post on our jouney, but here's a few of our family as well as those that we will be traveling with on this AMAZING journey of adoption!!! God is good, we have 4 families traveling with March 14th G&R (Giving & Receiving dates) and 2 will go to Vinh Long & 2 will go to Ninh Thuan & then we will all meet up again back in Saigon after receiving our babies to start the paperwork to head HOME! Here's our itinerary, of course, anything could change...PLEASE pray we are able to fly home on 29th of March to land on USA soil!!!
- Sat - Mon. Mar 10-12: Fly from DFW to Saigon, VN (rest day on Mar 12)
- Tues. Mar 13: drive to NT (7 hrs!!) - Meet Maile for the FIRST time!
- Wed. Mar 14: G&R set for 9AM "FOREVER OURS" Day!!! - Apply for Maile's passport
- Thurs. Mar 15: head back to Saigon (aka HCMC - Ho Chi Minh City)
- Fri - Sun. Mar 16-18: submit passport & dossiers to ICS in HCMC & rest days
- Mon. Mar 19: DON'S B-DAY!!! - Wed. Mar 21: Appt. with ICS in HCMC !?
- Thurs-Fri. Mar 22-23: Health check / pick up passport
- Sat. - Sun. Mar 24th-25th: Fly to Hanoi & wait for Exit interview in Hanoi
- Mon-Wed Mar 26-28th: Interview in Hanoi & pick up Visa & prepare to fly HOME!
- Thurs. Mar 29th: 10AM - hopefully landing on USA soil at DFW airport (PRAYING SO!)
Here's to an UNFORGETTABLE delivery of the 3rd generation adoption in my family...THANK YOU Grandma for adopting my mom, THANK YOU MOM for adopting me...and now I share God's love & faithfulness in adopting our daughter!!
Signing off, Ms. Saigon
"In a place that won't let us feel...In a world where nothing seems real...I have FOUND YOU, I have found you! In a world where nothing can last, in a world that's moving too fast....I WILL HOLD YOU, I will hold you...Our lives will change when tomorrow comes..." (excerpt from lyrics "Last night of the World" - Broadway Musical: Ms. Saigon
08 March 2007
35 HOURS...tick tick...

We are in HIGH GEAR to try to wrap things up...so I really should NOT be blogging, I should be PACKING!!! I am talking on the phone right now with my best friend in MICHIGAN, Sybil....HAPPY 2nd Birthday today JULIAN!!!!Lots of MARCH Birthdays of my closest family...Matthew on 7th, Julian on the 8th, Michelle on the 14th, Don on the 19th, Jeremy on the 28th...AND now receiving our DAUGHTER, Maile on the 14th!!!
It's surreal the anticipation that lies ahead, literally like "DELIVERY" all over again...but the LONGEST one yet! My first born son was 22 hours long, the 2nd son was about 8 hours...now our first daughter...hmmm-when do you start the clock? If we will start "labor" on SAT 10 March when we get on th plane, then delivery will be 93 HOURS long from when she is "Forever Ours" on 14 March 2007 at 9AM!!! Wow...I pray the LABOR is NOT too painful...ahhhhhh! I know there will be NO epidural for this delivery, that's OK, I wouldn't want it anyway...good or bad - I want to experience it all!
Back to packing--so signing off for now...
THANK YOU for your love & support!!! We are blessed to have you on this journey with us...God bless you!
Forever in awe of Him, Kim-Lan
Phil. 1:3
56 HOURS & counting....YIKES
I am really starting to freak out now...I am SOOOOO Excited to see this sweet baby girl in person, but the reality is I'm NOT ready - physically!!! I have waited over 18 mos. for this moment in time, and the clock is spinning at warp speed and my brain is spinning - just as fast! What if I miss something big - paperwork wise? what size is she? will she scream & cry when she meets us? am I ready for diapers, bottles, nap times (YES to that one!) again??? I KNOW this is our time, but I feel like I have so many loose ends to tie up...can the DANCE Studio run without me? will ALL the bills be paid? Have I ordered all the costumes correctly? I am REALLY NOT that worried, I don't think!? But, I just feel like I have to be working every second until my hiney is sitting on that PLANE to go to Saigon!!!
I had "the talk" with my agency today re. our detailed itinerary and I am pretty bummed we are NOT going to see our babies any sooner than around 3PM on Tues. March 13th. I had hoped to be leaving on MON March 12th to Ninh Thuan so we could be there bright & early on Tues the 13th, and spend more time with the babies/ children- but that's not going to happen...BUMMER!!! I have to take comfort that on WED 14th of MARCH 2007 - the most incredible BEAUTIFUL, Hand-picked littl' girl for us will be entrusted into our care, hearts & home forever!!!!
We are so in love with this sweet baby girl, it truly is SURREAL to be able to see her in person in less than ONE week!!! Oh God please don't wake me up from this DREAM...
When you think of us, PLEASE pray for:
- Safe travels as we go to Seoul, Saigon, Ninh Thuan, back to Saigon, Hanoi, Seoul & then home to DFW...(& anywhere in between!)
- Our health & stamina to be strong -- we have been sick the past few weeks!!!
- My MOM (who is my hero, the most amazing woman of courage, strength, love & heart)! She will be caring for the boys in our absence 10 Mar - 29 Mar
- our boys to LOOK after "Grandma Lizzy" (my mom) vs. the other way around - pray the boys are SAFE & Healthy too please!!!
- blessings & care of EACH & every friend/ neighbor help caring for the boys!!! What an amazing circle of friends/ support we have here!!! THANK YOU!!!
- Maile's HEART to be as open and prepared as she needs to be to know WE LOVE HER & have been praying for her for over 2+ years now...
Signing off...Ms. Saigon
"Trust in the Lord...He will direct your paths..." Prov. 3:5-6